Psalm 51 catholic good news bible

Here is Psalm 51 in the Catholic Good News Bible:

Psalm 51: A Prayer of David

1 Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. In your compassion blot out my offense. 2 Wash me clean of my guilt. In your great love, top-to-toe, make me new and clean.

3 I know the wickedness in my heart, the wicked things I've done in your sight. 4 I've sinned against you, my God, and done wrong before your eyes. 5 I know my sin, my guilt, my sin, and I'm always thinking about it.

6 You alone are holy, you alone are righteous, you alone are kind, and you alone are good, Lord, have mercy on me.

7 Cleanse me of my guilt, wash me clean of my sin. 8 I'll be whiter than snow, whiter than the foam of the waves, whiter than the morning sun. 9 Make me hear joy and gladness, that the bones you have crushed may rejoice. 10 Hide your face from my sins, and wipe out all my guilt.

11 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and make me new again. 12 Don't throw me away from your presence, or take your holy Spirit from me. 13 Give me back the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.

14 Then I'll teach your ways to sinners, and not hide your truth from them. 15 I'll speak of your great deeds, and tell of your mighty acts. 16 You are my hope, O Lord, my trust, my shield, my savior.

17 You are my glory, my hope, my strong rock, my savior, my God.

18 Make me hear joy and gladness, that the bones you have crushed may rejoice. 19 Hide your face from my sins, and wipe out all my guilt.

20 Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will praise you. 21 You don't want sacrifices, or I would give them to you; but you've given me open rebuke, so that I'm in pain.

22 Make me know how short-lived I am, and how fleeting my days are. 23 Look away from my sins, and wipe out all my guilt.

24 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and make me new again. 25 Give me back the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.

26 Then I'll teach your ways to sinners, and not hide your truth from them. 27 I'll speak of your great deeds, and tell of your mighty acts.

28 Lord, my God, you are my God, for ever and ever.

This psalm is a beautiful expression of repentance and a desire for forgiveness and cleansing. It is often prayed during times of personal struggle or crisis, and is a powerful reminder of God's mercy and love.