Psalm 43 good news bible

Here is Psalm 43 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Psalm 43

  1. Vindicate me, God, and defend my cause against an ungodly nation. Save me from deceitful and wicked people.
  2. You are God, my God, whom I praise. My God, I trust in you. I will praise you, Lord, my God, as long as I live.
  3. Do not silence me or cut off my prayer. I will pray, and God will answer.
  4. I will praise God's name with a song, and sing praises to the Lord Most High.
  5. God is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere mortals do to me?
  6. God is my helper and my savior. My God is the Rock where I take refuge.
  7. My God, come to my aid! Rescue me from the clutches of the wicked.
  8. Do not kill me, Lord, or rebuke me severely, or your laws will disintegrate.
  9. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my body is wasting away.
  10. My enemies will not triumph over me, for I will give thanks to you, Lord, my God. I will praise you, Lord, my God, as long as I live.

This psalm is a prayer for deliverance from enemies and a plea for God's help and protection. The psalmist asks God to vindicate him and defend him against those who are trying to harm him, and to save him from deceitful and wicked people. He also asks God to come to his aid and rescue him from the clutches of the wicked. Throughout the psalm, the psalmist expresses his trust in God and his confidence that God will answer his prayers and deliver him from his troubles.