Psalm 35 good news

Psalm 35 is a powerful psalm of prayer and petition, where David asks God to deliver him from his enemies and protect him from harm. Here are some key verses and themes that convey the good news of this psalm:

Deliverance from Enemies (Psalm 35:1-3) David cries out to God for help, asking Him to deliver him from his enemies and protect him from those who seek to harm him. This is a powerful declaration of trust in God's ability to rescue and deliver.

God's Justice (Psalm 35:6-8) David asks God to judge his enemies and bring them to justice. He reminds God of His promise to judge the wicked and protect the righteous. This is a reminder that God is a just and fair God who will ultimately bring justice to all.

God's Protection (Psalm 35:2, 7) David asks God to protect him from harm and keep him safe from those who seek to destroy him. This is a beautiful expression of trust in God's ability to protect and keep us safe.

God's Presence (Psalm 35:17) David asks God to be his rock and his salvation, and to hide him in the shadow of His wings. This is a powerful declaration of trust in God's presence and protection.

Good News for the Oppressed (Psalm 35:10) David says, "All my bones say, 'Lord, who is like you, who delivers the oppressed so freely?'". This is a powerful declaration of God's goodness and justice, and a reminder that God is a God who delivers the oppressed and sets the captive free.

Good News for the Righteous (Psalm 35:27-28) David says, "The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, and put to right what is right, and all the innocent exclaim, 'Glory!'". This is a beautiful expression of joy and celebration for those who are righteous and just, and a reminder that God will ultimately bring justice and righteousness to all.

Overall, Psalm 35 is a powerful declaration of trust in God's ability to deliver, protect, and judge. It is a reminder that God is a just and fair God who will ultimately bring justice to all, and that He is a God who delivers the oppressed and sets the captive free.