Psalm 136 good news bible

Here is Psalm 136 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Psalm 136

  1. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love lasts forever.
  2. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his love lasts forever.
  3. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his love lasts forever.
  4. Who alone does great wonders, for his love lasts forever.
  5. Who made the heavens with skill, for his love lasts forever.
  6. Who spread out the earth on the oceans, for his love lasts forever.
  7. Who made the great lights, for his love lasts forever.
  8. The sun to rule the day, for his love lasts forever.
  9. The moon and stars to rule the night, for his love lasts forever.
  10. Who killed the firstborn of Egypt, for his love lasts forever.
  11. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt, for his love lasts forever.
  12. Who divided the Red Sea like a wall, for his love lasts forever.
  13. Who led the Israelites through the desert, for his love lasts forever.
  14. Who struck down the kings of Egypt, for his love lasts forever.
  15. Who gave their land as an inheritance, for his love lasts forever.
  16. Who gave the land of Canaan as an inheritance, for his love lasts forever.
  17. Who chose Abraham to be his friend, for his love lasts forever.
  18. Who led Jacob like a sheep, for his love lasts forever.
  19. Who chose Israel to be his people, for his love lasts forever.
  20. Who remembered us when we were few, for his love lasts forever.
  21. And saved us from our enemies, for his love lasts forever.
  22. Who gave us food in the wilderness, for his love lasts forever.
  23. Who led us through the desert, for his love lasts forever.
  24. Who gave us the land of Canaan, for his love lasts forever.
  25. Who gave us rest and peace, for his love lasts forever.
  26. Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his love lasts forever.

This psalm is a beautiful expression of gratitude and praise to God for his love and faithfulness throughout history. It is often referred to as the "Psalm of Thanksgiving" and is a great example of the kind of worship and praise that is pleasing to God.