Psalm 120 good news bible

Here is Psalm 120 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Psalm 120

  1. To you, Lord, I call; my rock, do not be deaf to me. If you remain silent, I am like those who go down to the pit.
  2. Hear my cry, Lord; be my savior in times of trouble.
  3. My God, I cry out to you day and night, but you are not answering me.
  4. You are silent and I am in distress.
  5. My enemies are fierce and strong; they never stop fighting me.
  6. They attack me at morning, morning after morning; they multiply my wounds like the wicked have.
  7. I am like the deaf man who cannot hear, like the mute man who cannot speak.
  8. I am like one who does not hear, who does not respond when evil people insult me.
  9. But I wait patiently for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in his word.
  10. My heart is asking for your help, Lord; answer me quickly, I pray.
  11. Rescue me from the trap they set for me, from the snare you have hidden for me.
  12. They have hidden a trap for me and dug a pit for me; they have set a snare for me.
  13. I say to the Lord, "You are my God"; listen, Lord, to my cry for mercy.
  14. Lord, come quickly to help me; my spirit is in distress.
  15. Do not hide your face from me, or I will be like those who go down to the pit.
  16. Listen to my cry for mercy, when I call to you for help.
  17. If you, Lord, keep records of sins, Lord, who could stand?
  18. But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
  19. I wait patiently for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in his word.
  20. I will do what you command, for you, Lord, are my God.

This psalm is a prayer for deliverance from enemies and a plea for God's help and protection. The psalmist feels overwhelmed and helpless, but trusts in God's goodness and mercy, and waits patiently for His deliverance.