Psalm 112 good news bible

Here is Psalm 112 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Blessed are those who fear the Lord 1 Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who follow his good example. 2 They will enjoy a long, good life, and their children will be a blessing. 3 Their family will be at peace, and their children will inherit the land. 4 They will be rich in the earth, and they will have plenty of food. 5 They will be kind and generous, and they will lend to others without expecting anything in return. 6 They will not be afraid of bad news, and they will not be worried about what might happen. 7 They will trust in the Lord, and they will be happy and content. 8 They will be like a tree planted by a stream, which gives fruit in its season, and whose leaves never wither. They will succeed in everything they do.

The Lord is their helper 9 The Lord is their helper, and they will be happy forever. 10 The wicked will not be able to harm them, and they will not be afraid of what others might do. 11 The Lord will be their helper, and they will be happy forever.

The blessing of the Lord 12 The Lord will bless them, and they will be happy and content. 13 They will be happy and at peace, and they will be free from fear. 14 They will be like a tree planted by a stream, which gives fruit in its season, and whose leaves never wither. They will succeed in everything they do.

The blessing of the Lord 15 The Lord will be their helper, and they will be happy forever. 16 The Lord will be their helper, and they will be happy forever.

This psalm is a beautiful expression of the blessings that come from fearing and following the Lord. It describes the character of those who trust in God and the benefits they will receive as a result.