Proverbs 31 ice breaker game

What a great idea! Here's a fun and interactive way to use Proverbs 31 as an icebreaker game:

Title: "The Virtuous Woman: A Proverbs 31 Scavenger Hunt"

Objective: To get to know each other better while exploring the characteristics of a virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31.



  1. Divide the group into pairs or small teams of 3-4 people.
  2. Give each participant an index card or a small piece of paper.
  3. Read Proverbs 31:10-31 aloud or have each participant read it individually.
  4. Ask each participant to choose a characteristic from the passage that they identify with or would like to work on developing in themselves (e.g., "she is a hard worker," "she is kind," "she is wise," etc.).
  5. Have each participant write the characteristic they chose on their index card or paper.
  6. Set a timer for 5-7 minutes (optional).
  7. Instruct each participant to find someone in their group who also chose the same characteristic. When they find that person, they should introduce themselves and share why they chose that characteristic.
  8. After the timer goes off (if using), have each participant share their experience with the group. Encourage them to highlight what they learned about the other person and how they can apply the characteristic to their own lives.
  9. Repeat the process until everyone has had a chance to share and find someone who shares their chosen characteristic.

