Protocol breaker images

A "protocol breaker" is a term used to describe an image that intentionally breaks or subverts the expectations of a particular protocol or convention in photography. Here are some examples of protocol breaker images:

  1. Unconventional composition: Breaking the rule of thirds, symmetry, or other traditional composition guidelines.

Example: A photo of a person's face with the eyes and nose centered, rather than placed off-center.

  1. Unconventional subject matter: Focusing on unusual or unexpected subjects, such as:

Example: A photo of a discarded trash can or a broken appliance, rather than a traditional landscape or portrait.

  1. Unconventional lighting: Using unusual lighting techniques, such as:

Example: A photo of a person lit only by a single, harsh spotlight, rather than soft, natural light.

  1. Unconventional color palette: Using an unusual or limited color palette, such as:

Example: A photo of a cityscape with a dominant color scheme of only blues and purples, rather than the typical mix of colors.

  1. Unconventional perspective: Breaking the traditional perspective rules, such as:

Example: A photo of a cityscape taken from a low angle, looking up at the buildings, rather than from a traditional eye-level perspective.

  1. Unconventional focus: Focusing on unusual or unexpected parts of the subject, such as:

Example: A photo of a person's hands or feet, rather than their face or body.

  1. Unconventional texture: Using unusual textures or surfaces, such as:

Example: A photo of a person's face with a textured, abstract background, rather than a traditional smooth surface.

  1. Unconventional framing: Breaking the traditional framing rules, such as:

Example: A photo of a person with the frame cut off at the shoulders, rather than a traditional full-body shot.

  1. Unconventional editing: Using unusual editing techniques, such as:

Example: A photo with a bold, abstract color palette or unusual textures added in post-processing.

  1. Unconventional storytelling: Telling a story in an unconventional way, such as:

Example: A photo series that tells a story through a series of abstract, non-representational images, rather than traditional narrative photography.

These are just a few examples of protocol breaker images. Remember, the goal is to challenge the viewer's expectations and create a unique, thought-provoking image.