Protocol breaker church background

A fascinating topic!

The Protocol Breaker Church, also known as the Church of the East, is a Christian denomination with a rich history and a unique background. Here's a brief overview:

Early History

The Church of the East was founded in the 1st century AD by Saint Thomas the Apostle, one of Jesus' twelve apostles. According to tradition, Thomas traveled to India and preached the Gospel to the local population. The church flourished in India and spread to other parts of Asia, including China, Japan, and the Middle East.

The Nestorian Schism

In the 5th century AD, the Church of the East became embroiled in a theological controversy surrounding the nature of Christ. The church's leader, Patriarch Nestorius, was accused of heresy by the Eastern Orthodox Church for teaching that Jesus Christ was two separate persons, one human and one divine. This led to a schism, and the Church of the East became known as the Nestorian Church.

The Nestorian Church

The Nestorian Church spread rapidly throughout Asia, and its influence can be seen in the development of Christianity in China, Korea, and other parts of East Asia. The church established a network of bishoprics and monasteries, and its clergy played a significant role in the translation of Christian texts into local languages.

The Mongol Empire and the Pax Mongolica

During the 13th century, the Church of the East enjoyed a period of relative peace and prosperity under the Mongol Empire. The Mongols, who were tolerant of Christianity, allowed the church to flourish and even provided protection and support. This period, known as the Pax Mongolica, saw a significant increase in Christian missionary activity and the establishment of new bishoprics and monasteries.

The Decline and Legacy

The Church of the East declined in the 14th century due to internal conflicts, persecution, and the rise of Islam in the Middle East. However, its legacy can still be seen in the many Christian communities that it established throughout Asia. The church's influence can also be seen in the development of Christianity in China, where it played a significant role in the spread of Christianity during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).

Modern-Day Significance

Today, the Church of the East is recognized as a distinct Christian tradition by many Christian denominations and organizations. Its legacy can be seen in the many Christian communities that it established throughout Asia, and its influence can still be felt in the development of Christianity in China and other parts of East Asia.

In summary, the Protocol Breaker Church, also known as the Church of the East, is a Christian denomination with a rich history and a unique background. Founded by Saint Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century AD, the church became embroiled in a theological controversy surrounding the nature of Christ and eventually became known as the Nestorian Church. Despite its decline, the church's legacy can still be seen in the many Christian communities that it established throughout Asia, and its influence can still be felt in the development of Christianity in China and other parts of East Asia.