Protocol breaker church bacground

A fascinating topic!

The Protocol Breaker Church, also known as the Church of the East, is a Christian denomination that originated in the 5th century AD. Here's a brief background:

Early History

The Church of the East was founded by Saint Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century AD, when he traveled to India and preached the Gospel to the local population. The church flourished in India and spread to other parts of Asia, including China, Japan, and the Middle East.

The Nestorian Schism

In the 5th century, a theological dispute arose within the Church of the East, led by Nestorius, the Patriarch of Constantinople. Nestorius believed that Jesus Christ was two separate persons, one human and one divine, rather than a single, unified person. This doctrine was rejected by the Church of Rome and the Eastern Orthodox Church, leading to a schism.

The Protocol of 518

In 518 AD, the Church of the East, led by Patriarch Ibas of Edessa, issued a protocol (a formal statement) that attempted to reconcile the differences between the Nestorian and non-Nestorian factions. The protocol affirmed the divinity of Jesus Christ while also acknowledging the humanity of Jesus. This compromise was seen as a betrayal by some, who felt that it compromised the integrity of the faith.

The Protocol Breaker Church

As a result of the protocol, a significant portion of the Church of the East broke away, forming a new denomination that rejected the compromise. This group became known as the Protocol Breaker Church, also referred to as the "Nestorian" Church. They believed that the protocol had compromised the faith and that they needed to maintain the original teachings of the Church.

Spread and Influence

The Protocol Breaker Church spread throughout Asia, particularly in China, where it became known as the "Church of the East" or "Nestorian Church." It also established a presence in India, the Middle East, and Central Asia. The church played a significant role in the spread of Christianity in Asia, particularly during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).


The Protocol Breaker Church had a lasting impact on the development of Christianity in Asia. Although it is no longer a major denomination, its legacy can be seen in the many Christian communities that emerged in Asia, particularly in China, where Christianity was reintroduced in the 16th century.

In summary, the Protocol Breaker Church was a Christian denomination that emerged from the Nestorian Schism in the 5th century AD. It rejected the compromise of the Protocol of 518 and maintained the original teachings of the Church. The church spread throughout Asia, playing a significant role in the spread of Christianity in the region.