Proshareng news

Proshare Nigeria is a leading online news platform that provides up-to-date news, analysis, and insights on business, economy, politics, and other relevant topics in Nigeria. Here are some recent news articles from Proshare Nigeria:

Business and Economy

  1. Nigeria's Inflation Rate Rises to 17.71% in January: The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has announced that Nigeria's inflation rate rose to 17.71% in January, up from 16.47% in December 2022. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)
  2. FG to Review Tax Laws to Boost Revenue: The Federal Government has announced plans to review Nigeria's tax laws to boost revenue and reduce tax evasion. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)
  3. Nigeria's GDP Growth Rate Slows to 3.11% in Q4 2022: The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has announced that Nigeria's GDP growth rate slowed to 3.11% in Q4 2022, down from 3.98% in Q3 2022. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)


  1. Buhari Signs 2023 Budget into Law: President Muhammadu Buhari has signed the 2023 budget into law, with a total expenditure of N20.5 trillion. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)
  2. INEC to Conduct Fresh Elections in 15 Constituencies: The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced plans to conduct fresh elections in 15 constituencies across the country. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)
  3. Nigeria's Senate Passes Electoral Act Amendment Bill: The Nigerian Senate has passed the Electoral Act Amendment Bill, which aims to improve the country's electoral process. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)

Other News

  1. Nigeria's Central Bank Raises Interest Rate to 15.5%: The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has raised the monetary policy rate to 15.5% to combat inflation and stabilize the naira. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)
  2. Nigeria's Power Sector Records 4,000MW Generation: The Nigerian power sector has recorded a generation capacity of 4,000MW, up from 3,000MW in 2022. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)
  3. FG to Launch National Digital Identity System: The Federal Government has announced plans to launch a national digital identity system to improve identity management and reduce identity fraud. (Source: Proshare Nigeria)

These are just a few examples of the news articles available on Proshare Nigeria. The platform provides a wide range of news and analysis on various topics, including business, economy, politics, and more.