Project free tv new domain

Project Free TV (PFTV) is a popular online platform that allows users to stream TV shows and movies for free. However, due to copyright issues and legal concerns, the original domain of Project Free TV ( was shut down in 2017.

Since then, the team behind PFTV has been working on creating a new domain and platform to continue providing free TV shows and movies to users. After some time, they finally launched a new domain, which is:

Project Free TV (PFTV) - New Domain:

This new domain is designed to provide a better user experience, with improved streaming quality, faster loading times, and a more user-friendly interface. The team has also added new features, such as the ability to create an account, save your favorite shows, and receive notifications when new episodes are available.

Please note that, as with any free streaming platform, there may be some limitations and restrictions on the content available. Additionally, the team behind PFTV is constantly working to ensure that the platform is safe and legal, so please be aware that some content may be removed or restricted due to copyright issues.

If you're looking for a reliable and free way to stream your favorite TV shows and movies, I recommend checking out the new Project Free TV domain at