Producing president in 2023 not exclusive right of south arewa forum

I understand your concern. The statement "producing president in 2023 not exclusive right of South West" is a sentiment that has been expressed by some individuals and groups in Nigeria, particularly from the North and other regions.

The argument is that the presidency is a national office and not the exclusive preserve of any region or ethnic group. They argue that the South West, which has produced the president in the past, should not be seen as having a monopoly on the office.

However, it's important to note that the Nigerian Constitution does not explicitly state that the presidency is exclusive to any region or ethnic group. The Constitution only provides for the rotation of the presidency between the North and South, which has been the practice since the country's return to democracy in 1999.

The rotation of the presidency is based on the principle of federal character, which aims to ensure that power is distributed fairly and equitably among all regions and ethnic groups in the country. This principle is enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution and is intended to promote national unity and stability.

In recent years, there have been calls for the presidency to be zoned to the North in 2023, citing the need to balance the political equation and promote national unity. However, these calls have been met with resistance from some quarters, particularly from the South West, which has argued that the region has not had a fair share of the presidency in recent years.

Ultimately, the decision on who becomes the president in 2023 will depend on the outcome of the presidential election, which is expected to be held in February 2023. The election will be contested by various political parties and candidates, and the winner will be determined by the votes of the Nigerian people.

In conclusion, while the statement "producing president in 2023 not exclusive right of South West" is a valid argument, it's important to recognize that the presidency is a national office and not the exclusive preserve of any region or ethnic group. The rotation of the presidency is based on the principle of federal character, and the decision on who becomes the president in 2023 will depend on the outcome of the presidential election.