Process safety engineer jobs in new zealand

Here are some process safety engineer job openings in New Zealand:

  1. Process Safety Engineer at Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (Auckland)
    • Job description: Develop and implement process safety management systems, conduct risk assessments, and provide technical support to ensure the safe operation of manufacturing facilities.
    • Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field; 3+ years of experience in process safety engineering.
  2. Process Safety Specialist at Meridian Energy Limited (Wellington)
    • Job description: Provide technical expertise in process safety, conduct risk assessments, and develop safety procedures to ensure the safe operation of power generation facilities.
    • Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field; 3+ years of experience in process safety engineering.
  3. Safety and Risk Engineer at Kiwirail Limited (Auckland)
    • Job description: Develop and implement safety and risk management systems, conduct risk assessments, and provide technical support to ensure the safe operation of rail infrastructure.
    • Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Safety Science, or a related field; 3+ years of experience in safety and risk engineering.
  4. Process Safety Engineer at Zespri International Limited (Auckland)
    • Job description: Develop and implement process safety management systems, conduct risk assessments, and provide technical support to ensure the safe operation of kiwifruit processing facilities.
    • Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field; 3+ years of experience in process safety engineering.
  5. Safety and Environmental Engineer at Downer New Zealand Limited (Auckland)
    • Job description: Develop and implement safety and environmental management systems, conduct risk assessments, and provide technical support to ensure the safe operation of construction and infrastructure projects.
    • Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Safety Science, or a related field; 3+ years of experience in safety and environmental engineering.

These job openings are subject to change, and new job postings may become available. I recommend checking the following job boards and websites for more process safety engineer job openings in New Zealand:

Remember to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job requirements and highlight your relevant skills and experience in process safety engineering. Good luck with your job search!