Prince william kate middleton to visit pakistan

I'm not aware of any official announcement or confirmation from the British Royal Family or the Government of Pakistan about Prince William and Kate Middleton visiting Pakistan.

However, it's worth noting that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been on several official tours and engagements around the world, including visits to Asia. In 2016, they visited India, Bhutan, and Singapore, and in 2017, they visited France, Poland, and Germany.

Pakistan has been a key partner for the UK in various areas, including trade, education, and counter-terrorism. The two countries have a strong bilateral relationship, and there have been several high-level visits between the two nations in recent years.

If Prince William and Kate Middleton were to visit Pakistan, it would likely be a significant event, and the visit would likely focus on promoting British-Pakistani relations, cultural exchange, and development cooperation.

It's always a good idea to check official sources, such as the British Royal Family's website or the Government of Pakistan's website, for any updates on official visits or engagements.