Prince charles camilla to visit new zealand

It seems you're referring to a potential visit by Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, to New Zealand!

According to recent reports, Prince Charles and Camilla are indeed planning to visit New Zealand in the near future. The exact dates and itinerary of their trip are yet to be confirmed, but it's expected to take place in the coming months.

The royal couple's visit is likely to be a significant event in New Zealand, with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall expected to engage in various activities, including official engagements, meetings with government officials, and visits to cultural and historical sites.

As the Prince of Wales, Charles has a strong connection to New Zealand, having visited the country several times in the past. He has also been involved in various charitable and environmental initiatives in the region.

Camilla, on the other hand, has also shown a keen interest in New Zealand's culture and history, and is expected to participate in various events and activities during the visit.

I'll keep an eye out for any further updates on their itinerary and will be happy to share more information as it becomes available!