Primate ayodele news

I'm assuming you're referring to Primate Ayodele, a Nigerian cleric and founder of the Inri Evangelical Spiritual Church. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Prophecy on Nigeria's 2023 Elections: Primate Ayodele recently made some prophecies about the 2023 general elections in Nigeria, warning that the country may experience violence and bloodshed if the elections are not conducted peacefully. He also predicted that some political parties may be disqualified from participating in the elections.
  2. Prophesied the End of Boko Haram: In 2020, Primate Ayodele prophesied the end of Boko Haram, a terrorist group that has been wreaking havoc in Nigeria for over a decade. His prophecy was seen as a significant development, as it came at a time when the group was still active and causing destruction.
  3. Condemned the Killing of Christians in Nigeria: Primate Ayodele has been vocal about the persecution of Christians in Nigeria, particularly in the northern regions. He has condemned the killing of Christians and called on the government to take action to protect the lives of all citizens.
  4. Prophecy on the Economy: In 2020, Primate Ayodele prophesied that the Nigerian economy would experience a downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic. His prophecy was seen as accurate, as the pandemic had a significant impact on the country's economy.
  5. Celebrated his 60th Birthday: In 2022, Primate Ayodele celebrated his 60th birthday, marking a significant milestone in his life. The celebration was attended by many dignitaries, including politicians and religious leaders.

These are just a few examples of the news updates about Primate Ayodele. As a prominent cleric and prophet, he is often in the news for his prophecies and comments on current events.