Presidential tribunal news

The Presidential Tribunal is a Nigerian court that has the power to hear and determine appeals from the decisions of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and other electoral bodies in Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates on the Presidential Tribunal:

Recent Updates:

  1. Atiku Abubakar's Petition Dismissed: On February 13, 2020, the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal dismissed the petition filed by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and its presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, challenging the victory of President Muhammadu Buhari in the 2019 presidential election.
  2. Buhari's Victory Upheld: The tribunal upheld the victory of President Buhari, who was declared the winner of the election by INEC. The tribunal held that the petitioners failed to prove their allegations of irregularities and non-compliance with the Electoral Act.
  3. Atiku's Lawyers Protest Tribunal's Ruling: After the tribunal's ruling, Atiku's lawyers protested the decision, claiming that the tribunal was biased and that the ruling was a miscarriage of justice.
  4. PDP to Appeal Tribunal's Ruling: The PDP has announced its intention to appeal the tribunal's ruling at the Supreme Court. The party's lawyers have argued that the tribunal's decision was flawed and that the Supreme Court should review the case.
  5. Tribunal's Ruling a Victory for Democracy: President Buhari's victory has been hailed as a victory for democracy in Nigeria. The ruling has been seen as a boost to the country's democratic institutions and a testament to the ability of the electoral process to withstand challenges.


The Presidential Election Petition Tribunal was established by the Nigerian Constitution to hear and determine appeals from the decisions of INEC and other electoral bodies in Nigeria. The tribunal is composed of three judges, who are appointed by the Chief Justice of Nigeria.

In the 2019 presidential election, President Buhari was declared the winner by INEC, but the PDP and its candidate, Atiku Abubakar, challenged the result, alleging that the election was marred by irregularities and non-compliance with the Electoral Act. The petitioners presented evidence of alleged irregularities, including the use of underage voters, the non-use of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS), and the manipulation of election results.

The tribunal heard the petition and delivered its ruling on February 13, 2020, upholding President Buhari's victory and dismissing the petition.