President buhari appoints justice mensem as acting court of appeal president

That's correct! On January 5, 2020, President Muhammadu Buhari appointed Justice Monica Dongban-Mensem as the Acting President of the Court of Appeal. Justice Dongban-Mensem, a Justice of the Court of Appeal, was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa, who was the President of the Court of Appeal at the time.

As the Acting President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Dongban-Mensem is responsible for overseeing the administration of the Court of Appeal, which is the second-highest court in Nigeria. She is also responsible for ensuring the efficient and effective dispensation of justice in the court.

Justice Dongban-Mensem has a wealth of experience in the judiciary, having been a Justice of the Court of Appeal since 2006. She has also served as the Vice President of the Court of Appeal and has been involved in several high-profile cases.

It's worth noting that Justice Dongban-Mensem's appointment as Acting President of the Court of Appeal is a significant development in the Nigerian judiciary, as it marks the first time a female Justice has held the position.