Presbyterian church news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the Presbyterian Church (USA):

News Articles:

  1. "Presbyterian Church (USA) Approves Overhaul of Governance Structure" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2022) The PC(USA) General Assembly has approved a new governance structure, which aims to make the denomination more efficient and effective.
  2. "PC(USA) Denomination Sees Increase in Membership" - Presbyterian News and Information Service (2022) According to recent statistics, the PC(USA) has seen a small increase in membership, with 1,144 new members added in 2021.
  3. "Presbyterian Church (USA) Condemns Racism and White Supremacy" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2020) The PC(USA) General Assembly has passed a resolution condemning racism and white supremacy, and calling for action to address systemic racism.


  1. "New PC(USA) Stated Clerk Appointed" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2022) The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II has been appointed as the new Stated Clerk of the PC(USA), succeeding the Rev. Dr. Gradye Parsons.
  2. "PC(USA) Launches New Website" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2022) The PC(USA) has launched a new website, which features updated information and resources for members, churches, and the wider public.
  3. "Presbyterian Church (USA) Celebrates 225th Anniversary" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2021) The PC(USA) is celebrating its 225th anniversary, marking the denomination's founding in 1796.

Recent Events:

  1. "PC(USA) General Assembly 2022" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2022) The PC(USA) General Assembly was held in June 2022, with delegates from across the denomination gathering to discuss and vote on various issues.
  2. "Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2022" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2022) The Presbyterian Youth Triennium was held in July 2022, bringing together young people from across the denomination for worship, learning, and fellowship.
  3. "PC(USA) Mission Engagement and Support" - The Presbyterian News and Information Service (2022) The PC(USA) has launched a new initiative to support and engage with its mission partners around the world, including programs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

I hope this information is helpful!