Premium times

Premium Times is a Nigerian online newspaper that provides news, analysis, and commentary on current events, politics, business, and culture. Here are some key features and facts about Premium Times:

History: Premium Times was founded in 2011 by Dapo Olorunyomi, a Nigerian journalist and media entrepreneur.

Mission: The mission of Premium Times is to provide high-quality, independent, and investigative journalism that holds those in power accountable and provides a platform for marginalized voices to be heard.

Content: Premium Times covers a wide range of topics, including:

Awards and recognition: Premium Times has won several awards for its journalism, including the 2014 Knight International Journalism Award, the 2015 African Investigative Journalism Award, and the 2019 Wole Soyinka Award for Investigative Journalism.

Impact: Premium Times has been credited with exposing corruption and human rights abuses in Nigeria, and has played a significant role in holding those in power accountable. The newspaper has also been recognized for its innovative use of technology and social media to disseminate news and engage with readers.

Partnerships: Premium Times has partnerships with several international organizations, including the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), the Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJ), and the Open Society Foundations.

Language: Premium Times is published in English, but also has a Hausa edition, which is published in the Hausa language.

Circulation: Premium Times has a significant online presence, with over 1 million unique visitors per month. The newspaper also has a print edition, which is distributed in major cities across Nigeria.

Overall, Premium Times is a respected and influential media outlet in Nigeria, known for its high-quality journalism and commitment to holding those in power accountable.