Premium news paper today

Here are some premium news articles from reputable sources:

The New York Times

  1. "Biden's Climate Agenda Faces a Crucial Test in Congress" - The Biden administration's climate agenda is facing a crucial test in Congress, where lawmakers are debating a massive infrastructure bill that includes provisions to address climate change. (Subscription required)
  2. "The Pandemic's Hidden Toll on Mental Health" - The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a devastating toll on mental health, with many people experiencing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. (Subscription required)

The Wall Street Journal

  1. "U.S. Economy Grows at 6.4% Annual Rate in Q2" - The U.S. economy grew at a 6.4% annual rate in the second quarter, according to the Commerce Department, as the country continues to recover from the pandemic. (Subscription required)
  2. "China's Economic Growth Slows to 7.9% in Q2" - China's economic growth slowed to 7.9% in the second quarter, as the country faces challenges from the pandemic and a trade war with the U.S. (Subscription required)

The Washington Post

  1. "The Supreme Court's Ruling on the Census Is a Blow to Democracy" - The Supreme Court's ruling on the census is a blow to democracy, as it allows the Trump administration to add a citizenship question to the census, which could lead to an undercount of minority communities. (Subscription required)
  2. "The Pandemic Has Exposed the Flaws in Our Healthcare System" - The pandemic has exposed the flaws in our healthcare system, including a lack of preparedness, inadequate funding, and a shortage of medical supplies. (Subscription required)

The Financial Times

  1. "Global Economy Faces 'Perfect Storm' of Challenges" - The global economy is facing a "perfect storm" of challenges, including the pandemic, trade tensions, and climate change, which could lead to a recession. (Subscription required)
  2. "The Rise of E-Sports: A New Frontier for Investors" - E-sports is a growing industry that is attracting investors, with the global market expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2025. (Subscription required)

Please note that some of these articles may require a subscription to access.