Premier league to discuss plans to complete season

According to recent reports, the Premier League is set to discuss plans to complete the current season, which has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The league is expected to hold a meeting with all 20 clubs to discuss the possibility of resuming the season, potentially behind closed doors, and the logistics of completing the remaining matches.

The Premier League has been working closely with the UK government, the Football Association, and other stakeholders to find a solution to complete the season. The league has already confirmed that it will not be able to complete the season by the original June 30 deadline, and is now exploring alternative options.

Some of the potential options being considered include:

  1. Completing the season behind closed doors: This would involve playing the remaining matches without fans in attendance, which would help to reduce the risk of transmission and allow the season to be completed in a safe and responsible manner.
  2. Playing the remaining matches in a condensed format: This could involve playing multiple matches in a single day, or playing matches at different times of the day to reduce the number of people in attendance.
  3. Using neutral venues: This could involve playing matches at neutral venues, such as stadiums that are not typically used by the teams involved, to reduce the risk of transmission and allow the season to be completed in a safe and responsible manner.
  4. Using technology to facilitate the completion of the season: This could involve using technology, such as virtual reality or video conferencing, to facilitate the completion of the season, such as by allowing teams to play matches remotely or by using virtual reality to simulate matches.

The Premier League is expected to make a decision on the best course of action in the coming weeks, and will work closely with all stakeholders to ensure that the season is completed in a safe and responsible manner.