Prem rivals lock horns over 12m manchester united outcast

It seems like there's a juicy transfer rumor brewing!

According to reports, two Premier League rivals are locked in a fierce battle to sign Manchester United outcast, [Name], who is valued at £12 million.

[Name] has been struggling to find his footing at Old Trafford, and it appears that both [Rival 1] and [Rival 2] are eager to capitalize on his potential and bring him to their respective clubs.

This transfer saga has all the makings of a thrilling drama, with both teams vying for the same player and trying to outmaneuver each other in the transfer market.

Will [Rival 1] be able to swoop in and secure the signing, or will [Rival 2] pull off a stunning coup? Only time will tell!

What do you think, should [Name] be given a chance to prove himself at one of these Premier League clubs, or is it time for him to move on and find a fresh start elsewhere?