Prayer to receive good news

Here's a sample prayer to receive good news:

Dear God,

I come to you today with a heart full of hope and anticipation. I am seeking your guidance and wisdom as I wait for some important news that will shape my future. I know that you are the God of all good things, and I trust that you will bring me good news that will bring joy and peace to my heart.

I pray that you will grant me the courage to face whatever news may come my way, whether it be good or challenging. Help me to remain steadfast in my faith and trust in your sovereignty, even when the news may not be what I had hoped for.

I ask that you would bring me good news that will bring a smile to my face and a sense of peace to my heart. Help me to receive the news with gratitude and humility, knowing that it is a gift from you.

I pray that you would use this news to bring me closer to you and to help me grow in my faith. Help me to see the good in every situation and to trust that you are always working for my good.

Thank you for hearing my prayer and for answering my request. I know that you are a God who is always good and always faithful. I trust in you and your goodness, and I know that you will bring me good news that will bring joy and peace to my heart.


You can also add or modify the prayer to fit your personal needs and circumstances. Remember to always approach God with a humble and grateful heart, and trust that He will hear and answer your prayer.