Prayer points on i will do a new thing

Here are some prayer points based on Isaiah 43:19, "I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; you shall know it. I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (NKJV)

Prayer Points:

  1. Lord, I ask that You do a new thing in my life. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will bring about a fresh start, a new chapter, or a new season in your life.

  2. Help me to know and understand Your new thing. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will give you wisdom and understanding to recognize and appreciate the new things He is doing in your life.

  3. Lord, I ask that You make a road in the wilderness of my life. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will guide you through difficult and challenging situations, and that He will provide a clear path for you to follow.

  4. Bring forth rivers in the desert of my soul. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will bring forth spiritual refreshment, renewal, and revival in your life, even in the midst of dry and barren seasons.

  5. Lord, I ask that You do a new thing in my relationships. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will bring about new connections, new friendships, or new opportunities for growth and development in your relationships.

  6. Help me to trust in Your new thing. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will give you the faith and trust to believe in the new things He is doing in your life, even when they may seem uncertain or unclear.

  7. Lord, I ask that You do a new thing in my ministry or work. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will bring about new opportunities, new assignments, or new ways of serving Him in your ministry or work.

  8. Help me to be open to Your new thing. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will give you a willing heart and a receptive spirit to receive the new things He is doing in your life.

  9. Lord, I ask that You do a new thing in my finances. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will bring about new provision, new resources, or new opportunities for financial growth and stability.

  10. Help me to give thanks and praise for Your new thing. (Isaiah 43:19) - Pray that God will give you a heart of gratitude and praise for the new things He is doing in your life, and that you will give Him glory and honor for all His blessings.

Remember to pray these prayer points with faith, trust, and expectation, knowing that God is a God of new beginnings and fresh starts.