Prayer points for planting a new church

Here are some prayer points for planting a new church:

Before Planting

  1. Pray for guidance: Ask God to guide you in the process of planting a new church, and to give you wisdom and clarity on the vision and mission.
  2. Pray for unity: Pray that the team and leaders involved in planting the church will be united in their vision and purpose.
  3. Pray for resources: Pray that God will provide the necessary resources, including finances, personnel, and facilities, to plant the church.
  4. Pray for the community: Pray that God will prepare the community for the arrival of the new church, and that He will bring people who are seeking Him.

During the Planting Process

  1. Pray for clarity on the vision: Pray that God will give you a clear vision and mission for the new church, and that you will be able to communicate it effectively to others.
  2. Pray for effective outreach: Pray that God will give you strategies and opportunities to effectively reach out to the community and share the gospel.
  3. Pray for spiritual growth: Pray that God will give you a strong foundation of spiritual growth and discipleship in the new church, and that believers will be equipped to serve and minister to others.
  4. Pray for leadership development: Pray that God will raise up and equip leaders for the new church, and that they will be able to effectively lead and serve the congregation.

After Planting

  1. Pray for stability and growth: Pray that God will give the new church stability and growth, and that it will become a vibrant and thriving community of believers.
  2. Pray for outreach and evangelism: Pray that God will give the new church opportunities to reach out to the community and share the gospel with those who are seeking Him.
  3. Pray for spiritual maturity: Pray that God will give the believers in the new church a deepening sense of spiritual maturity and a desire to serve and minister to others.
  4. Pray for unity and harmony: Pray that God will keep the church united and harmonious, and that there will be a spirit of love and unity among the believers.

Specific Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the pastor/planter: Pray that God will give the pastor/planter wisdom, courage, and strength to lead the new church, and that they will be able to effectively communicate the gospel and build relationships with the community.
  2. Pray for the church's reputation: Pray that God will give the new church a good reputation in the community, and that people will see the church as a place of love, acceptance, and spiritual growth.
  3. Pray for the church's finances: Pray that God will provide the necessary finances for the new church, and that the church will be able to manage its resources wisely and effectively.
  4. Pray for the church's facilities: Pray that God will provide the necessary facilities for the new church, and that the church will be able to use them effectively to reach out to the community.

Remember to pray regularly and consistently for the new church, and to seek God's guidance and wisdom throughout the planting process.