Prayer for a new business venture

Here's a sample prayer for a new business venture:

Dear God,

We come to you today with gratitude and humility, seeking your guidance and blessing as we embark on this new business venture. We acknowledge that you are the source of all wisdom, creativity, and provision, and we ask that you be with us every step of the way.

As we begin this new journey, we pray that you would give us a clear vision and purpose for our business. Help us to stay focused on our goals and to make decisions that align with your will. May our hearts be filled with passion and enthusiasm for the work we do, and may our actions be guided by integrity, honesty, and compassion.

We pray that you would provide us with the necessary resources and support to succeed. May our finances be managed wisely, and may we be good stewards of the resources you provide. May our relationships with our customers, employees, and partners be built on trust, respect, and open communication.

As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of entrepreneurship, we pray that you would be our rock, our refuge, and our source of strength. May we be able to weather any storms that come our way, and may we always remember that you are with us, guiding and directing us.

We also pray for our competitors, that they would be blessed and successful in their own endeavors. May we be able to learn from them, and may we always strive to be better than we were yesterday.

Finally, we pray that our business would be a blessing to our community, and that it would bring joy, prosperity, and hope to those around us. May we be able to make a positive impact on the world, and may our business be a reflection of your love and goodness.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Here are some additional prayers you could say for your business venture:

Remember to always pray with sincerity and humility, and to seek God's guidance and wisdom in all aspects of your business venture.