Pray for new zealand

Dear God,

We come before you today to pray for the beautiful country of New Zealand. We ask that you bless this land and its people with your love and protection.

We pray for the safety and well-being of all New Zealanders, that they may be free from harm and danger. We ask that you watch over them and keep them in your care.

We pray for the natural beauty of New Zealand, that it may continue to thrive and flourish. We ask that you bless the land, the sea, and the skies with your goodness and provision.

We pray for the people of New Zealand, that they may be a blessing to others and a light to the world. We ask that you give them wisdom, courage, and compassion, that they may be a force for good in the world.

We pray for the government and leaders of New Zealand, that they may be guided by your wisdom and justice. We ask that you give them the wisdom to make decisions that benefit all people, and that they may be a blessing to the nation.

We pray for the Maori people, the indigenous people of New Zealand, that they may be honored and respected. We ask that you bless them with your love and provision, and that they may continue to thrive and flourish.

We pray for the churches and Christian communities in New Zealand, that they may be a light to the world and a blessing to the nation. We ask that you give them the courage to share the gospel and to serve others, and that they may be a force for good in the world.

We pray for the tourists and visitors who come to New Zealand, that they may be safe and have a wonderful experience. We ask that you bless them with your love and provision, and that they may return home with happy memories.

We pray for the environment of New Zealand, that it may be protected and preserved for future generations. We ask that you give the people of New Zealand the wisdom and resources to care for the land, the sea, and the skies, and that they may be a good steward of your creation.

We pray for the peace and unity of New Zealand, that it may be a place of harmony and cooperation. We ask that you give the people of New Zealand the love and forgiveness they need to live in peace and harmony with one another.

We pray for the missionaries and aid workers who serve in New Zealand, that they may be a blessing to the nation and a light to the world. We ask that you give them the courage and resources they need to serve others, and that they may be a force for good in the world.

We pray for the future of New Zealand, that it may be bright and full of hope. We ask that you give the people of New Zealand the wisdom and resources they need to build a better future, and that they may be a blessing to the world.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.