Powershell new item

In PowerShell, you can create a new item using the New-Item cmdlet. Here are some examples:

Create a new file

New-Item -Path C:\example\file.txt -ItemType File

This will create a new file named file.txt in the C:\example directory.

Create a new directory

New-Item -Path C:\example\subdir -ItemType Directory

This will create a new directory named subdir in the C:\example directory.

Create a new registry key

New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\MyCompany -ItemType RegistryKey

This will create a new registry key named MyCompany under the HKCU (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) registry hive.

Create a new environment variable

New-Item -Path Env:\MY_VAR -Value "Hello World" -ItemType EnvironmentVariable

This will create a new environment variable named MY_VAR with the value Hello World.

Create a new alias

New-Item -Path Alias:\myalias -Value "Get-ChildItem" -ItemType Alias

This will create a new alias named myalias that runs the Get-ChildItem cmdlet.

Create a new function

New-Item -Path Function:\myfunction -Value "param($a) { Write-Host $a }" -ItemType Function

This will create a new function named myfunction that takes a single parameter $a and writes it to the console.

These are just a few examples of what you can create using the New-Item cmdlet in PowerShell. The possibilities are endless!