Power generation using speed breaker wikipedia

A creative and innovative idea!

According to Wikipedia, a speed breaker, also known as a speed bump or speed hump, is a transverse obstacle on a road designed to reduce the speed of vehicles. While their primary purpose is to slow down traffic, some creative minds have explored the idea of harnessing the kinetic energy generated by vehicles crossing speed breakers to generate electricity.


The idea is to install piezoelectric sensors or vibration-based energy harvesting devices under the speed breaker. As vehicles cross the speed breaker, the sensors or devices convert the kinetic energy into electrical energy. This energy can then be stored in batteries or fed into the grid.


  1. Renewable energy source: Speed breakers can be seen as a form of kinetic energy harvesting, providing a sustainable and renewable source of power.
  2. Low maintenance: The devices can be designed to be low-maintenance, with minimal upkeep required.
  3. Integration with existing infrastructure: Speed breakers are already a common feature on many roads, making it easier to integrate energy harvesting technology into existing infrastructure.


  1. Energy output: The amount of energy generated by speed breakers is likely to be relatively small, making it challenging to power entire cities or communities.
  2. Intermittent power supply: The energy generated by speed breakers is intermittent, as it depends on the frequency and speed of vehicles crossing the speed breaker.
  3. Cost: The cost of installing and maintaining the energy harvesting devices may be higher than traditional power generation methods.

Examples and implementations:

  1. India: In 2019, the Indian government launched a pilot project to harness energy from speed breakers in the city of Ahmedabad. The project used piezoelectric sensors to generate electricity, which was then used to power streetlights.
  2. Japan: Researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed a vibration-based energy harvesting device that can generate electricity from the vibrations caused by vehicles crossing speed breakers.

While the idea of generating power from speed breakers is innovative and promising, it is essential to consider the challenges and limitations involved. Further research and development are needed to overcome these challenges and make this technology a viable alternative for power generation.