Power circuit breaker symbol
The power circuit breaker symbol is a widely recognized and standardized symbol used in electrical diagrams and drawings to represent a circuit breaker. The symbol is typically a rectangular shape with a horizontal line across the middle, and may include additional features such as:
- A "T" or "T-shaped" handle on the top of the rectangle, indicating the breaker's trip mechanism
- A "spring-loaded" or "coiled spring" symbol on the top or side of the rectangle, indicating the breaker's spring-loaded mechanism
- A "reset" or "reset button" symbol on the top or side of the rectangle, indicating the breaker's reset mechanism
- A "trip" or "trip point" symbol on the top or side of the rectangle, indicating the breaker's trip point
Here is a breakdown of the different parts of the power circuit breaker symbol:
- The rectangular shape represents the breaker's housing or enclosure
- The horizontal line across the middle represents the breaker's contacts or switching mechanism
- The "T" or "T-shaped" handle on top represents the breaker's trip mechanism, which is typically a spring-loaded or coiled spring that is released when the breaker trips
- The "reset" or "reset button" symbol on top or side represents the breaker's reset mechanism, which is typically a button or lever that is pressed to reset the breaker
- The "trip" or "trip point" symbol on top or side represents the breaker's trip point, which is the point at which the breaker trips or opens the circuit
Here is an example of a power circuit breaker symbol:
Note: The exact appearance of the symbol may vary depending on the specific standard or convention being used.