Post brexit uk rejects eu trade demands threatens to walk away 87577588

It appears that you're referring to a news article about the UK's stance on trade negotiations with the EU after Brexit. Here's a summary of the article:

UK rejects EU trade demands, threatens to walk away

The UK has rejected the EU's demands for a trade deal, warning that it will walk away from negotiations if the bloc does not make significant concessions. The UK's chief negotiator, David Frost, has told the EU that the UK will not accept the EU's proposed trade deal, which includes a "level playing field" clause that would require the UK to follow EU rules on issues such as labor standards and environmental protection.

The UK has argued that this clause would undermine its sovereignty and ability to make its own decisions on these issues. Instead, the UK is pushing for a more limited trade deal that would focus on reducing tariffs and other trade barriers, while allowing the UK to set its own rules on issues such as labor and the environment.

The EU has warned that if the UK does not accept its proposed trade deal, it will not be able to negotiate a trade agreement at all. The EU has also threatened to impose tariffs on UK goods if the UK does not accept its proposed deal.

The UK's rejection of the EU's demands has raised concerns about the potential for a no-deal Brexit, which could have significant economic and political implications for both the UK and the EU.

Key points:

I hope this summary helps!