Post breaker plugins

Here are some popular Post Breaker plugins for WordPress:

  1. Post Breaker: A simple plugin that allows you to break up long posts into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  2. Auto Break: Automatically breaks up long posts into smaller sections, with options to customize the break points.
  3. Post Breaker Pro: A premium version of the original Post Breaker plugin, with additional features like customizable break points and section titles.
  4. Long Post Breaker: Breaks up long posts into smaller sections, with options to customize the break points and add section titles.
  5. Content Breaker: A plugin that breaks up long posts into smaller sections, with options to customize the break points and add section titles.
  6. Post Splitter: A plugin that breaks up long posts into smaller sections, with options to customize the break points and add section titles.
  7. Break Up Long Posts: A simple plugin that breaks up long posts into smaller sections, with options to customize the break points.
  8. Long Content Breaker: A plugin that breaks up long posts into smaller sections, with options to customize the break points and add section titles.
  9. Post Breaker Lite: A lightweight version of the original Post Breaker plugin, with limited features but still effective.
  10. Content Breaker Pro: A premium version of the Content Breaker plugin, with additional features like customizable break points and section titles.

These plugins can be installed from the WordPress Plugin Directory or from third-party marketplaces like Envato Market. Before installing, make sure to read reviews and check the plugin's compatibility with your WordPress version.