Pope new cardinals

You're referring to the recent consistory of Pope Francis, where he appointed new cardinals to the College of Cardinals!

On August 27, 2022, Pope Francis held a consistory to create 21 new cardinals, bringing the total number of cardinals to 233. Here are the new cardinals:

  1. Archbishop Lazarus You Heung-sik (South Korea) - Prefect of the Congregation for the Laity, Family, and Life
  2. Archbishop Raniero Cantalamessa (Italy) - Preacher of the Pontifical Household
  3. Archbishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga (Spain) - President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State
  4. Archbishop Jean-Marc Aveline (France) - Archbishop of Paris
  5. Archbishop Peter Okpaleke (Nigeria) - Bishop of Ekwulobia
  6. Archbishop Anthony Poola (India) - Archbishop of Hyderabad
  7. Archbishop Paulo Sérgio Coelho (Brazil) - Archbishop of Brasília
  8. Archbishop Raffaello Pietro Palazzi (Italy) - Titular Archbishop of Velebusdus
  9. Archbishop William Goh Seng Chye (Singapore) - Archbishop of Singapore
  10. Archbishop Giorgio Marengo (Italy) - Apostolic Administrator of Ulaanbaatar
  11. Archbishop Adalberto Martínez Flores (Paraguay) - Archbishop of Asunción
  12. Archbishop Óscar Cantón (Mexico) - Archbishop of Mexico City
  13. Archbishop Fidélis Béhanzin (Benin) - Archbishop of Cotonou
  14. Archbishop Robert McElroy (USA) - Bishop of San Diego
  15. Archbishop Leonardo Ulloa (Argentina) - Archbishop of Tucumán
  16. Archbishop Filomeno Stanzione (Italy) - Archbishop of Lecce
  17. Archbishop Giuseppe Pinto (Italy) - Archbishop of Agrigento
  18. Archbishop Orlando Quevedo (Philippines) - Archbishop of Cotabato
  19. Archbishop Tomasz Peta (Poland) - Archbishop of Łódź
  20. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti (France) - Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
  21. Archbishop Andrés Arango (Colombia) - Archbishop of Bogotá

These new cardinals will play important roles in the governance of the Catholic Church, advising the Pope, and helping to elect his successor.