Pope francis news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Pope Francis:

Recent News

  1. Pope Francis meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky: Pope Francis met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Vatican on June 14, 2022, to discuss the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Pope Francis appoints new cardinals: On May 29, 2022, Pope Francis appointed 21 new cardinals, including several from Africa and Asia, in a bid to diversify the College of Cardinals. (Source: CNN)
  3. Pope Francis calls for climate action: In a message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis urged world leaders to take immediate action to address the climate crisis, saying "the future of humanity is at stake." (Source: Vatican News)
  4. Pope Francis meets with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill: Pope Francis met with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill on June 16, 2022, in a bid to improve relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches. (Source: BBC)

Recent Statements and Homilies

  1. Pope Francis on the importance of prayer: In a homily on June 12, 2022, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of prayer, saying "prayer is not a magic formula, but a way of being with God." (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Pope Francis on the need for unity: In a message for the feast of St. Joseph, Pope Francis called for unity among Christians, saying "we are all called to be instruments of unity, to build bridges and not walls." (Source: Vatican News)
  3. Pope Francis on the importance of mercy: In a homily on June 19, 2022, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of mercy, saying "mercy is not a feeling, but a decision to love and to forgive." (Source: Vatican News)

Recent Events

  1. Pope Francis' trip to Canada: Pope Francis visited Canada from July 24-29, 2022, to apologize for the Catholic Church's role in the forced assimilation of Indigenous peoples. (Source: CBC)
  2. Pope Francis' trip to Hungary: Pope Francis visited Hungary from September 12-15, 2022, to attend the 13th World Meeting of Families. (Source: Vatican News)
  3. Pope Francis' trip to Slovakia: Pope Francis visited Slovakia from September 12-15, 2022, to attend the 13th World Meeting of Families. (Source: Vatican News)