Pope francis names new cardinals

A significant event in the Catholic Church!

On August 27, 2022, Pope Francis announced the names of 21 new cardinals, including several bishops from around the world. This is the fifth consistory of Pope Francis' papacy, and it brings the total number of cardinals to 233.

Here are some key points about the new cardinals:

  1. Geographic representation: The new cardinals come from 18 countries, including Italy, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Poland, India, and several African nations.
  2. Bishops and archbishops: Most of the new cardinals are bishops or archbishops, with a few exceptions. They will be elevated to the College of Cardinals, which advises the Pope and elects a new Pope when the current one passes away or resigns.
  3. Diverse backgrounds: The new cardinals include a mix of clergy and laity, with some having experience in various fields such as education, healthcare, and social justice.
  4. Focus on evangelization and social justice: Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of evangelization and social justice in his papacy. Many of the new cardinals have been involved in these areas, and their elevation is seen as a recognition of their commitment to these values.
  5. First Latin American cardinal: One of the new cardinals, Archbishop Paulo Sérgio Coelho da Costa, is the first Brazilian cardinal to be named by Pope Francis.

Some notable new cardinals include:

The new cardinals will be formally installed at a consistory ceremony in Rome on October 5, 2022.