Pope francis blames tax dodgers for italys coronavirus woes

I couldn't find any evidence of Pope Francis specifically blaming tax dodgers for Italy's COVID-19 woes. While the Pope has spoken out on various issues related to the pandemic, including economic inequality and the need for global cooperation, I couldn't find a specific quote or statement from him attributing Italy's struggles to tax dodgers.

It's possible that you may be thinking of a different public figure or statement. If you could provide more context or clarify what you're referring to, I'd be happy to try and help you further.

That being said, it's worth noting that tax evasion and avoidance have been significant issues in Italy, and the country has struggled with a large budget deficit and debt burden. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these challenges, and many experts have argued that addressing tax evasion and promoting fair taxation is essential to helping Italy recover from the crisis.

Pope Francis has spoken out on issues related to economic inequality and the need for a more just and equitable economic system. In a 2020 address to the Italian bishops, he called for a "new economy" that prioritizes the common good and promotes the well-being of all people, rather than just the wealthy few. He also emphasized the importance of addressing tax evasion and promoting transparency and accountability in economic systems.

Again, I couldn't find a specific quote from Pope Francis blaming tax dodgers for Italy's COVID-19 woes, but he has spoken out on related issues and emphasized the need for a more just and equitable economic system.