Pope calls for zero tolerance in sexual assault

On February 12, 2019, Pope Francis issued a statement calling for "zero tolerance" in the Catholic Church towards sexual abuse and assault. This statement was made in response to the growing global scandal surrounding the sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy and the subsequent cover-ups by Church officials.

In his statement, Pope Francis emphasized the need for the Church to take immediate and decisive action to address the issue of sexual abuse and to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. He also acknowledged the harm and suffering caused by the abuse and expressed his deepest apologies to the victims and their families.

The Pope's statement was seen as a significant step forward in the Church's efforts to address the issue of sexual abuse and to restore trust with the faithful. It also put pressure on other institutions and organizations to take similar action to address the issue of sexual abuse and to prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals.

Here is the full text of the Pope's statement:

"I want to express my deepest sorrow and my strongest condemnation for the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults by members of the Church. I want to assure you that the Church is committed to doing everything possible to prevent such abuse from happening again and to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

We must take immediate and decisive action to address this issue and to ensure that the Church is a safe and welcoming place for all. We must also work to restore trust with the faithful and to rebuild the Church's credibility.

I want to assure you that I am committed to doing everything possible to address this issue and to ensure that the Church is a place where all individuals can feel safe and respected. I am also committed to working with other institutions and organizations to address the issue of sexual abuse and to prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals.

I want to express my deepest apologies to the victims and their families for the harm and suffering caused by the abuse. I want to assure you that I am committed to doing everything possible to prevent such abuse from happening again and to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

I want to thank all those who have come forward to report the abuse and to seek justice. I want to assure you that the Church is committed to supporting and protecting all individuals who have been affected by the abuse.

I want to conclude by saying that the Church is committed to doing everything possible to address this issue and to ensure that the Church is a safe and welcoming place for all. We must work together to build a culture of respect, dignity, and compassion, and to ensure that the Church is a place where all individuals can feel safe and respected.

Thank you."