Poor remuneration talented employees leaving civil service oyo ita #comments

It seems like you're discussing the issue of talented employees leaving the civil service in Oyo State, Nigeria due to poor remuneration. Here are some potential comments:

Comment 1 "This is a major concern! The civil service is losing its best brains to the private sector due to poor remuneration. Something needs to be done to address this issue."

Comment 2 "I completely agree. I know of several talented colleagues who have left the service due to the poor pay. It's a shame because they were dedicated public servants who wanted to make a difference."

Comment 3 "This is a systemic problem that requires a holistic approach. We need to review the civil service salary structure and ensure that it's competitive with the private sector. Otherwise, we'll continue to lose our best employees."

Comment 4 "I think it's also important to recognize that poor remuneration is not the only reason why talented employees leave the civil service. There are other factors such as lack of opportunities for growth and development, poor working conditions, and inadequate infrastructure."

Comment 5 "This is a wake-up call for the government to take action. We need to prioritize the welfare of our civil servants and ensure that they're motivated to stay and serve the public. It's a matter of national importance!"

Comment 6 "I've seen this happen in other states too. It's a vicious cycle where talented employees leave, and the remaining ones are left to carry the burden. We need to break this cycle and create a more attractive work environment for our civil servants."

Comment 7 "This is a call to action for the government to review the civil service salary structure and ensure that it's competitive with the private sector. We need to recognize the value of our civil servants and compensate them fairly."

Comment 8 "I think it's also important to recognize that the civil service is not just about salary. We need to create a work environment that's conducive to productivity and innovation. This includes providing opportunities for growth and development, and recognizing the contributions of our civil servants."

These are just some potential comments on the issue of talented employees leaving the civil service in Oyo State due to poor remuneration.