Poor preparation may deny cameroon of 2019 african cup of nations hosting right #comments

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a concern about Cameroon's preparation for hosting the 2019 African Cup of Nations (AFCON). Here's a possible response:

Poor Preparation May Deny Cameroon of 2019 African Cup of Nations Hosting Right

Cameroon's preparation for hosting the 2019 African Cup of Nations (AFCON) has been marred by delays, corruption, and inadequate infrastructure, raising concerns that the country may be stripped of the hosting rights.

The 2019 AFCON is scheduled to take place from June 15 to July 13, 2019, and Cameroon has been preparing for the event since 2014. However, the country has faced numerous challenges, including delays in the construction of stadiums, hotels, and other infrastructure.

The Confederation of African Football (CAF) has been monitoring Cameroon's progress, and there are fears that the country may not be ready to host the tournament. If Cameroon fails to meet the required standards, CAF may be forced to strip the country of the hosting rights, which could have significant financial and reputational implications.

Some of the concerns surrounding Cameroon's preparation include:

If Cameroon is stripped of the hosting rights, it could be a major embarrassment for the country and the African football community. It could also have significant financial implications, with estimates suggesting that the hosting rights could generate up to $100 million in revenue.

In conclusion, Cameroon's poor preparation for hosting the 2019 AFCON is a major concern, and the country needs to take immediate action to address these issues. If not, it could deny Cameroon the opportunity to host the tournament and have significant financial and reputational implications.