Polls pdp reject results summon legal team

It seems like you're referring to a political situation where a party, likely the People's Democratic Party (PDP), is rejecting the results of an election or poll. Here's a breakdown of the situation:

PDP rejects results: The People's Democratic Party (PDP) is disputing the outcome of an election or poll, claiming that the results are inaccurate or fraudulent.

Summon legal team: The PDP is likely summoning their legal team to review the situation and explore legal options to challenge the results. This may include filing a petition or lawsuit to contest the outcome of the election or poll.

Some possible reasons why the PDP might be rejecting the results include:

  1. Discrepancies in voting: The PDP might be claiming that there were irregularities or discrepancies in the voting process, such as voter suppression, ballot stuffing, or tampering with voting machines.
  2. Lack of transparency: The party might be accusing the opposing party or election officials of not being transparent about the voting process, including the counting and tabulation of votes.
  3. Fraudulent results: The PDP might be alleging that the results were manipulated or falsified to favor the opposing party or candidate.

In response to the PDP's rejection of the results, the opposing party or election officials might:

  1. Defend the results: They might argue that the results are accurate and reflect the will of the people, and that any allegations of fraud or irregularities are unfounded.
  2. Investigate allegations: They might agree to investigate any allegations of fraud or irregularities, and take steps to ensure the integrity of the election process.
  3. Take legal action: If necessary, they might take legal action to defend the results and prevent the PDP from challenging the outcome of the election or poll.

Overall, the situation is likely to be contentious and may lead to further legal action and political maneuvering.