Poll shift changing the beat in the middle of a dance

You're referring to a "poll shift" or "beat change" in a dance!

A poll shift, also known as a beat change or tempo change, is a common technique used in various dance styles, including salsa, swing, and ballroom dancing. It involves changing the rhythm or timing of the dance in the middle of a sequence, usually by shifting the emphasis from one beat to another.

In a poll shift, the dancer will typically start with a consistent rhythm and timing, but then suddenly change the emphasis to a different beat or rhythm. This can be done by changing the weight transfer, footwork, or even the arm movements. The goal is to create a sense of surprise and add variety to the dance, making it more interesting and dynamic.

Poll shifts can be used to:

  1. Add complexity to a dance: By changing the rhythm or timing, you can add layers of complexity to a dance, making it more challenging and engaging.
  2. Create contrast: Poll shifts can be used to create contrast between different sections of a dance, adding visual interest and variety.
  3. Add drama: A well-timed poll shift can add drama and surprise to a dance, making it more engaging and memorable.
  4. Show off skills: Poll shifts can be used to showcase a dancer's skills and versatility, demonstrating their ability to adapt to changing rhythms and timing.

Some common types of poll shifts include:

  1. 3-count to 2-count: Changing from a 3-count rhythm to a 2-count rhythm, or vice versa.
  2. 2-count to 3-count: Changing from a 2-count rhythm to a 3-count rhythm, or vice versa.
  3. Slow-fast-slow: Changing from a slow rhythm to a fast rhythm, and then back to slow again.
  4. Fast-slow-fast: Changing from a fast rhythm to a slow rhythm, and then back to fast again.

When executing a poll shift, it's essential to:

  1. Practice, practice, practice: Mastering a poll shift requires practice and timing.
  2. Listen to the music: Pay attention to the rhythm and timing of the music to ensure you're executing the poll shift correctly.
  3. Communicate with your partner: If you're dancing with a partner, make sure to communicate the poll shift to them so you can both execute it smoothly.
  4. Stay relaxed: Keep your body relaxed and flexible to accommodate the changing rhythm and timing.

Remember, a well-executed poll shift can elevate a dance from ordinary to extraordinary!