Politico news

Here are the latest news and updates from Politico:

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  1. Biden's Infrastructure Bill Hits Snag in Senate: The White House is scrambling to salvage its infrastructure package after a key Republican senator announced he won't support the bill.
  2. Trump's Legal Team Seeks to Discredit Bolton's Testimony: The former president's lawyers are trying to undermine the credibility of John Bolton, who is set to testify in the impeachment trial.
  3. House Democrats Unveil New Gun Control Bill: The legislation aims to ban high-capacity magazines and require background checks for all gun purchases.
  4. Pompeo's Secret Meeting with Giuliani Raises Eyebrows: The secretary of state's meeting with the president's personal lawyer has sparked concerns about potential conflicts of interest.
  5. Facebook's Libra Cryptocurrency Faces Scrutiny: Regulators are questioning the social media giant's plans to launch a digital currency, citing concerns about financial stability and consumer protection.


  1. 2024 Presidential Candidates: A growing list of potential candidates are eyeing the White House, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, as well as former Vice President Joe Biden.
  2. House Republicans Unite Against Impeachment: The party is rallying behind President Trump, with many lawmakers arguing that the impeachment inquiry is a partisan witch hunt.
  3. Senate Republicans Weigh in on Impeachment: Some GOP senators are breaking with their party, saying they'll consider the evidence presented in the impeachment trial.
  4. Democratic Primary Heats Up: The 2020 presidential primary is gaining momentum, with several candidates vying for the nomination.
  5. Congressional Investigations: The House Oversight Committee is probing the Trump administration's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, while the Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.


  1. Climate Change: The White House is pushing for a global agreement to address climate change, while lawmakers are debating the merits of a carbon tax.
  2. Healthcare: The Affordable Care Act is facing a new legal challenge, while lawmakers are working to pass a bill to lower prescription drug prices.
  3. Immigration: The Trump administration is pushing for a border wall, while lawmakers are debating a comprehensive immigration reform bill.
  4. Economy: The Federal Reserve is considering interest rate cuts to boost the economy, while lawmakers are debating the merits of a stimulus package.
  5. Education: The Trump administration is proposing changes to the student loan system, while lawmakers are debating the merits of free college tuition.


  1. The Case for Impeachment: A growing number of lawmakers are arguing that President Trump's actions warrant impeachment and removal from office.
  2. The Consequences of Impeachment: The potential consequences of impeachment, including the impact on the economy and the country's international reputation.
  3. The Future of the Democratic Party: As the party gears up for the 2020 presidential election, some are questioning its direction and leadership.
  4. The Rise of Nationalism: The growing influence of nationalist movements around the world, and the implications for global politics.
  5. The Impact of Social Media: The role of social media in shaping public opinion and influencing political discourse.