Political notes if oshiomhole survives

A fascinating topic! If Adams Oshiomhole, the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), survives the current crisis surrounding him, here are some potential political implications:

  1. Strengthened position: Oshiomhole's survival would likely solidify his position as the most powerful figure in the APC, potentially making him even more influential in shaping the party's policies and decisions.
  2. Increased influence in the presidency: As the APC's national chairman, Oshiomhole would likely maintain a strong relationship with President Muhammadu Buhari, potentially increasing his influence in the presidency and allowing him to play a more significant role in shaping national policies.
  3. Consolidation of power: Oshiomhole's survival could lead to a consolidation of power within the APC, potentially allowing him to further centralize decision-making and control within the party.
  4. Impact on party primaries: Oshiomhole's influence could lead to a more centralized control over party primaries, potentially affecting the outcome of elections and the selection of candidates.
  5. Increased tensions within the party: Oshiomhole's survival could lead to increased tensions within the APC, particularly among those who have been critical of his leadership style and decisions. This could lead to further divisions and infighting within the party.
  6. Potential for more authoritarianism: Oshiomhole's strong personality and leadership style have been criticized for being authoritarian. If he survives, there may be concerns that he could become even more autocratic, potentially stifling dissenting voices within the party.
  7. Impact on the opposition: Oshiomhole's survival could lead to a more aggressive and confrontational approach by the APC towards the opposition, potentially leading to increased political polarization and tensions.
  8. Increased scrutiny: Oshiomhole's survival could lead to increased scrutiny of his leadership and decisions, potentially exposing him to more criticism and backlash from within and outside the party.
  9. Potential for a more centralized APC: Oshiomhole's influence could lead to a more centralized APC, potentially reducing the autonomy of state chapters and increasing the power of the national leadership.
  10. Impact on the 2023 elections: Oshiomhole's survival could have significant implications for the 2023 elections, potentially affecting the APC's chances of winning and the outcome of the presidential election.

It's essential to note that these implications are speculative and may not necessarily come to pass. The political landscape is constantly evolving, and many factors can influence the outcome of events.