Political news sites

Here are some popular political news sites:


  1. The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  2. The Washington Post (washingtonpost.com)
  3. HuffPost (huffpost.com)
  4. The Nation (thenation.com)
  5. Mother Jones (motherjones.com)
  6. The Progressive (progressive.org)
  7. Common Dreams (commondreams.org)
  8. Truthout (truthout.org)


  1. Fox News (foxnews.com)
  2. The Wall Street Journal (wsj.com)
  3. National Review (nationalreview.com)
  4. The Daily Caller (dailycaller.com)
  5. Breitbart News (breitbart.com)
  6. The Federalist (thefederalist.com)
  7. RedState (redstate.com)
  8. Townhall (townhall.com)


  1. CNN (cnn.com)
  2. MSNBC (msnbc.com)
  3. The Guardian (theguardian.com)
  4. Politico (politico.com)
  5. The Hill (thehill.com)
  6. Roll Call (rollcall.com)
  7. CQ Roll Call (cqrollcall.com)
  8. National Journal (nationaljournal.com)


  1. The Economist (economist.com)
  2. The Weekly Standard (weeklystandard.com)
  3. The American Enterprise Institute (aei.org)
  4. The Heritage Foundation (heritage.org)
  5. The Cato Institute (cato.org)
  6. Reason (reason.com)
  7. The National Review Online (nationalreview.com)
  8. The Weekly Standard (weeklystandard.com)


  1. ProPublica (propublica.org)
  2. The Intercept (theintercept.com)
  3. The Daily Beast (thedailybeast.com)
  4. Slate (slate.com)
  5. The Atlantic (theatlantic.com)
  6. The New Yorker (newyorker.com)
  7. The Economist (economist.com)
  8. Foreign Policy (foreignpolicy.com)

Please note that these are just a few examples, and there are many more political news sites out there. Additionally, some sites may lean more towards a particular ideology than others, even if they don't explicitly identify as left, right, or center.