Political news articles

Here are some recent political news articles from various sources:

National Politics

  1. "Biden Signs Executive Order to Address Gun Violence" (The New York Times) - President Biden has signed an executive order aimed at reducing gun violence, including measures to improve background checks and red flag laws.
  2. "House Passes Bill to Codify Roe v. Wade, Protect Abortion Rights" (The Washington Post) - The House of Representatives has passed a bill to codify the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision, which would protect abortion rights in the event the court overturns the ruling.
  3. "Senate Republicans Block Voting Rights Bill" (NPR) - Senate Republicans have blocked a voting rights bill, which would have expanded access to voting and protected against voter suppression.

International Politics

  1. "U.S. and China Reach Trade Deal, Ending Tariffs" (The Wall Street Journal) - The United States and China have reached a trade deal, ending tariffs on each other's goods and paving the way for increased trade between the two countries.
  2. "North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, Defying International Pressure" (The New York Times) - North Korea has fired a ballistic missile, defying international pressure to halt its nuclear and missile programs.
  3. "Iran and World Powers Reach Deal to Revive Nuclear Deal" (The Guardian) - Iran and world powers have reached a deal to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, which would lift sanctions on Iran in exchange for limits on its nuclear program.

State and Local Politics

  1. "California Governor Signs Bill to Make Reparations for Slavery a Reality" (The Los Angeles Times) - California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill making California the first state to provide reparations for the descendants of enslaved people.
  2. "New York City to Pay $1.5 Million to Settle Police Brutality Lawsuit" (The New York Times) - The city of New York has agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle a lawsuit alleging police brutality against a black man who was beaten by officers in 2014.
  3. "Florida Governor Signs Bill to Limit Voting Rights" (The Miami Herald) - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill limiting voting rights in the state, including restrictions on mail-in voting and voter registration.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. "The GOP's Voter Suppression Strategy" (The New York Times) - An op-ed arguing that the Republican Party's efforts to restrict voting rights are a form of voter suppression.
  2. "The Case for a Wealth Tax" (The Washington Post) - An op-ed making the case for a wealth tax to address income inequality and reduce the national debt.
  3. "The Consequences of Trump's Foreign Policy" (The Atlantic) - An analysis of the consequences of President Trump's foreign policy, including the impact on international relations and global stability.

These are just a few examples of recent political news articles.