Police news newspaper

Here are some popular police news newspapers from around the world:

  1. The Police News (UK): A weekly newspaper that covers news, features, and reviews from the UK's police forces.
  2. Law Enforcement News (USA): A monthly newspaper that provides news, analysis, and commentary on law enforcement issues in the United States.
  3. Police Gazette (Australia): A bi-monthly newspaper that covers news, features, and reviews from the Australian police forces.
  4. The Police Chronicle (Canada): A monthly newspaper that covers news, features, and reviews from the Canadian police forces.
  5. Police Review (UK): A weekly newspaper that covers news, features, and reviews from the UK's police forces, with a focus on policing and community issues.
  6. The Law Enforcement Times (USA): A weekly newspaper that covers news, analysis, and commentary on law enforcement issues in the United States.
  7. Police News Today (USA): A daily online newspaper that covers news, features, and reviews from the United States' police forces.
  8. The Police Journal (UK): A quarterly journal that publishes articles, research, and analysis on policing and law enforcement issues.
  9. Police and Security News (South Africa): A monthly newspaper that covers news, features, and reviews from the South African police forces and security industry.
  10. The Police Times (India): A weekly newspaper that covers news, features, and reviews from the Indian police forces.

These are just a few examples of police news newspapers from around the world. There are many more publications that cater to specific regions, countries, or law enforcement agencies.