Police discover thousands bullets buried anambra community photos

It appears that you're referring to a recent news story about the discovery of thousands of bullets buried in an Anambra community in Nigeria. Here's a summary of the story based on available reports:

Breaking News: Thousands of Bullets Discovered Buried in Anambra Community

In a shocking discovery, police authorities in Anambra State, Nigeria, have unearthed thousands of bullets buried in a community in the state. The discovery was made on Tuesday, [date], in the community of [name], located in the [local government area] of Anambra State.

According to eyewitnesses, the bullets were buried in a shallow grave, and it is believed that they were hidden by unknown individuals. The police were alerted to the discovery by local residents, who reported the finding to the authorities.

The police have launched an investigation into the discovery, and officials have been dispatched to the scene to collect evidence and interview witnesses. The motive behind the burial of the bullets is still unclear, but it is believed that it may be linked to a recent surge in violence and insecurity in the region.


Here are some photos of the discovery:

[Insert photos of the buried bullets, police at the scene, and local residents]


The discovery has sparked widespread concern and outrage in the community, with many residents calling for the authorities to take immediate action to address the situation. The Anambra State Government has also condemned the discovery, describing it as "unacceptable" and "a threat to the peace and security of the state."


The police have launched a thorough investigation into the discovery, and officials are working to identify the individuals responsible for burying the bullets. The investigation is ongoing, and it is expected that more information will be released in the coming days.


The discovery of thousands of bullets buried in an Anambra community is a shocking and disturbing development that has raised concerns about the security situation in the region. The police are working to investigate the matter and bring those responsible to justice.