Police arrest school drop out quack doctor in lagos

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Lagos Police Arrest School Dropout "Quack Doctor"

The Lagos State Police Command has arrested a 35-year-old self-proclaimed doctor who was operating a clinic in the state without a valid medical license.

The suspect, identified as Olamide Ogunleye, was arrested at his clinic in the Ojuelegba area of Lagos after a tip-off from concerned citizens.

According to the police, Ogunleye, who dropped out of school at the age of 15, had been operating the clinic for several years, claiming to be a medical doctor. He allegedly treated patients, including children, without proper medical training or equipment.

The police said that during a search of the clinic, they found several medical equipment and drugs, including injectable medications, which were not properly stored or labeled.

Ogunleye was arrested and taken into custody, where he is currently being held for questioning. The police have also sealed off the clinic and are investigating how he was able to operate for so long without being detected.

The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Hakeem Odumosu, condemned Ogunleye's actions, saying that it was unacceptable for someone to pose as a medical doctor without proper training or qualifications.

"We will not tolerate this kind of behavior in our state," Odumosu said. "We will ensure that this individual is brought to justice and that the public is protected from his illegal activities."

The police are urging anyone who may have been treated by Ogunleye to report to the nearest police station or hospital for medical attention and to provide any information they may have about his activities.

This incident highlights the need for the public to be vigilant and to verify the qualifications and credentials of medical professionals before seeking treatment. It also underscores the importance of the police and other law enforcement agencies in protecting the public from illegal activities.